The 80+ Most Common Workplace Abbreviations and What They Mean

Caplos Team
7 Jun 2024
The 80+ Most Common Workplace Abbreviations and What They Mean

We use abbreviations not only in our private conversations but also when communicating with our teammates. They help us share more information with fewer words. However, sometimes you might see an unfamiliar abbreviation from a teammate, and it can be difficult to understand what they mean. In this blog post, we will look at the most common work abbreviations and explain what they mean. This will help you understand and use them effectively in your daily work conversations.

What does AFAIK mean?

AFAIK (As Far As I Know) - I think this is true, but I'm not 100% sure.

What does BRB mean?

BRB (Be Right Back) - I will come back soon.

What does AFK mean?

AFK (Away From Keyboard) - I am not at my computer right now.

What does FYI mean?

FYI (For Your Information) - Here is something you should know.

What does ETA mean?

ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) - This is when I think I will arrive or finish.

What does IMO mean?

IMO (In My Opinion) - This is what I think.

What does IDK mean?

IDK (I Don't Know) - I do not have the answer.

What does TL;DR mean?

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) - This is a short summary of something long.

What does EOD mean?

EOD (End of Day) - Do this by the end of today.

What does OOO mean?

OOO (Out of Office) - I am not at work now.

What does ASAP mean?

ASAP (As Soon As Possible) - Do this quickly.

What does TBD mean?

TBD (To Be Determined) - We will decide this later.

What does RSVP mean?

RSVP (Répondez S'il Vous Plaît) - Please reply.

What does DIY mean?

DIY (Do It Yourself) - Make or fix something yourself.

What does BTW mean?

BTW (By The Way) - Used to add something to the conversation.

What does TGIF mean?

TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) - Happy that it's the end of the workweek.

What does LOL mean?

LOL (Laugh Out Loud) - Something is very funny.

What does PTO mean?

PTO (Paid Time Off) - Time off work that is paid.

What does TBA mean?

TBA (To Be Announced) - We will tell you later.

What does FOMO mean?

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) - Feeling worried that you are missing something fun.

What does YOLO mean?

YOLO (You Only Live Once) - Do something because you only live once.

What does IRL mean?

IRL (In Real Life) - In the real world, not online.

What does TTYL mean?

TTYL (Talk To You Later) - I will talk to you again soon.

What does SMH mean?

SMH (Shaking My Head) - I am disappointed or can't believe this.

What does ROFL mean?

ROFL (Rolling On the Floor Laughing) - Something is very, very funny.

What does BBL mean?

BBL (Be Back Later) - I will return later.

What does ICYMI mean?

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) - Here is something you might not have seen.

What does LMK mean?

LMK (Let Me Know) - Tell me later.

What does IIRC mean?

IIRC (If I Recall Correctly) - I think this is right, but I'm not sure.

What does NP mean?

NP (No Problem) - It's okay or you're welcome.

What does NVM mean?

NVM (Never Mind) - Forget about it.

What does WFH mean?

WFH (Work From Home) - I am working from my home.

What does IDC mean?

IDC (I Don't Care) - It doesn't matter to me.

What does ILY mean?

ILY (I Love You) - I love you.

What does JK mean?

JK (Just Kidding) - I am not serious.

What does OMG mean?

OMG (Oh My God) - I am very surprised.

What does FTW mean?

FTW (For The Win) - This is great or the best.

What does TIA mean?

TIA (Thanks In Advance) - Thank you before something happens.

What does TMI mean?

TMI (Too Much Information) - You shared more details than needed.

What does G2G mean?

G2G (Got To Go) - I need to leave now.

What does IMHO mean?

IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) - This is what I think, in a polite way.

What does IFYP mean?

IFYP (I Feel Your Pain) - I understand how you feel.

What does TNTL mean?

TNTL (Trying Not To Laugh) - Something is funny, but I am holding back my laughter.

What does ADIH mean?

ADIH (Another Day In Hell) - I am having a very bad day.

What does WYWH mean?

WYWH (Wish You Were Here) - I wish you were with me.

What does TIME mean?

TIME (Tears In My Eyes) - I am very emotional.

What does BAE mean?

BAE (Before Anyone Else) - A term of endearment for a loved one.

What does SSDD mean?

SSDD (Same Stuff Different Day) - Every day is the same.

What does BSAAW mean?

BSAAW (Big Smile And A Wink) - Used to convey a friendly or teasing tone.

What does LMAO mean?

LMAO (Laughing My Ass Off) - Something is very, very funny.

What does OMDB mean?

OMDB (Over My Dead Body) - I will never let this happen.

What does NTH mean?

NTH (Nice To Have) - Something that is good, but not necessary.

What does POV mean?

POV (Point Of View) - This is my perspective or opinion.

What does TBH mean?

TBH (To Be Honest) - Here is the truth.

What does YNK mean?

YNK (You Never Know) - It is uncertain or unpredictable.

What does YGTR mean?

YGTR (You Got That Right) - You are correct.

What does CWOT mean?

CWOT (Complete Waste Of Time) - Something is not worth doing.

What does IANAL mean?

IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer) - I am giving my opinion, but I am not a legal expert.

What does AFAIR mean?

AFAIR (As Far As I Recall) - This is what I remember.

What does AFAIC mean?

AFAIC (As Far As I'm Concerned) - This is what I think.

What does AAMOF mean?

AAMOF (As A Matter Of Fact) - Actually, this is true.

What does FWIW mean?

FWIW (For What It's Worth) - This is my opinion, even if it is not important.

What does DM mean?

DM (Direct Message) - A private message sent online.

What does AFAICT mean?

AFAICT (As Far As I Can Tell) - This is what I understand.

What does TIL mean?

TIL (Today I Learned) - I learned something new today.

What does SOML mean?

SOML (Story Of My Life) - This always happens to me.

What does EMBM mean?

EMBM (Early Morning Business Meeting) - A work meeting scheduled early in the day.

What does J4F mean?

J4F (Just For Fun) - This is not serious.

What does JSYK mean?

JSYK (Just So You Know) - Here is something you should know.

What does FAWC mean?

FAWC (For Anyone Who Cares) - If anyone is interested.

What does DWH mean?

DWH (During Work Hours) - Happening during work time.

What does OMW mean?

OMW (On My Way) - I am coming now.

What does W8 mean?

W8 (Wait) - Please wait.

What does NFS mean?

NFS (Not For Sale) - This is not available to buy.

What does BBIAS mean?

BBIAS (Be Back In A Sec) - I will return soon.

What does DBMIB mean?

DBMIB (Don't Bother Me, I'm Busy) - I am busy, please do not disturb me.

What does GFN mean?

GFN (Gone For Now) - I am away for a while.

What does NSFW mean?

NSFW (Not Safe For Work) - This content is not appropriate for work.

What does NSFL mean?

NSFL (Not Safe For Life) - This content is very disturbing.

What does SFW mean?

SFW (Safe For Work) - This content is appropriate for work.

What does GRAS mean?

GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) - This is considered safe.

What does NBD mean?

NBD (No Big Deal) - It is not a problem.

What does ICYMI mean?

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) - Here is something you might not have seen.

What does JIC mean?

JIC (Just In Case) - For if it happens.

What does NAGI mean?

NAGI (Not A Good Idea) - This is not a good idea.

What does GOI mean?

GOI (Get Over It) - Stop worrying about it.

What does RBTL mean?

RBTL (Read Between The Lines) - Understand the hidden meaning.

What does AYOR mean?

AYOR (At Your Own Risk) - Be careful, you are responsible.

Final Thoughts

There is a large list of abbreviations and other shortened words on the internet. However, we tried to include the most famous ones in this blog post. Now, you can start a conversation with your teammates, or you will understand what they mean when you see one of these abbreviations. Keep in mind that acronyms or abbreviations are not ideal for formal conversations. They are best used in casual or informal communication with friends or coworkers. It’s important to know when to use them so that your message is clear and appropriate for the situation.

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